Rafiq Spinning Mills

Core Values

We take pride in adhering to ethical business practices and in being an upstanding corporate citizen. We respect our people and endeavour to provide them ceaseless opportunities to realize their full potential. We recognize our responsibility to our stakeholders, communities and nation. At Rafiq Group we never forget what we stand for.

At Rafiq Group we seek uncompromising integrity through each individual’s effort towards quality products for our customers, maximizing returns to the shareholders and sizable contribution to the national exchequer. Our business success is dependent on trusting relationships. Our reputation is founded on the integrity of the Company’s personnel and our commitment to the principles of:


Build Positive relationships through outstanding service with each interaction.


Uphold the highest ethical standards and promote trust and respect


Exceed expectations and take intense pride in everything you do everyday.


Have the courage to rise above challenges, to work through adversity, and inspire others.


Imagine what is possible. Foster creativity that challenges constraints and drives progress.


Consistently demonstrate an unselfish commitment to working with others to create a collaborative culture.